Help us grow resilient futures for our teens!


Dear AIR Community,

Do the first signs of spring finally emerging make you feel a sense of expectation too? Growth, blossoming, and new beginnings are themes that feel familiar to us at Arts In Reach and fill us with anticipation.Each week, our programs offer a little sunlight, plenty of water, and lots of care to nurture Seacoast teens. The reward is seeing them bloom into their best selves.

Like a true gardener, your consistent support provides AIR teens with the essential nutrients of opportunity and encouragement. Thank you! Please consider making a gift today to ensure AIR teens are able to sprout and grow.

In celebration of this joyful bursting forth of potential, we’d like to share with you just two of the many stories of the remarkable young people your support has fostered throughout their adolescence and into exciting new chapters. Please meet Nora, an exceptional artist, a sewist since age 8, starting a new adventure at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City this fall; and Bayleigh, who will be bringing a unique ability to improve the lives of others through art,to Lesley University in Boston.

Nora first arrived at AIR a quiet, deeply artistic middle schooler seeking a space in the world where she could be herself, immersed in creativity, and surrounded by peers who accepted, supported, and shared her passions. She found creative camaraderie at AIR’s Phenomenal Women’s Project - an upcycled fashion program. Surrounded by kindred spirits, Nora blossomed, her art becoming a powerful form of self-expression.

Nora’s journey continued with an AIR Theatre Project, a thrilling experience that pushed her to step further out of her shell and into a confident version of herself. Through the next few years, AIR was a constant, a creative haven where Nora could grow and explore.

"AIR became so important to us," Nora’s mom Vanessa reflects. "It was more than just a program –it was a community, a creative home where Nora could be herself and thrive."

Bayleigh too, found a haven at AIR, where “Instead of always focusing on what you’re not good at, or your challenges, AIR is about celebrating your success story and your strengths.” Over four years as an AIR participant, Bayleigh sampled a wide variety of programs, often taking them to a new level. Bayleigh created original characters at AIR that became a story for Children’s Hospital to share with other children experiencing surgery; a ‘zine-making program at AIR resulted in an educational tale of the do’s and don’ts in the process of getting a service dog.

Now, as they prepare for a dual major in Graphic Design and Expressive Therapies, Bayleigh carries with them the confidence and connections forged at AIR. For their mother Michele, the transformation has been remarkable.

"No matter what the day brought, they could always look forward to going to AIR," Michele reflects."At AIR, Bayleigh started talking about friends - true friends - for the first time. It's given so much to our family."

At AIR, both Nora and Bayleigh found a community that celebrated them and their distinctive gifts. It was a space where their talents were vital to the collective whole and given room to truly flourish.

A gift to AIR today will allow more deserving teens to enjoy a similar experience.As we continue to expand our programs and our reach, your contribution will play a pivotal role in helping us sustain and grow our garden of young talent. Your generosity plants the seeds for a brighter, more creative future for our youth.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission to instill a sense of self, belonging, and purpose in each teen we serve.

With gratitude,

Jennifer Minicucci (she/her)

Executive Director, Arts In Reach | 603.433.4728